Vision North Iowa is a newly formed initiative to create a multi-jurisdictional strategy for regional economic growth and prosperity. Austin and Seattle-based TIP Strategies has been engaged to guide the project. The North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corporation (EDC), Mason City Chamber of Commerce, Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, and several community partners are collaborating in the effort.

The Vision North Iowa economic development strategy will take the form of a multi-year plan that will build upon the region’s existing strategic priorities, unique asset base and past successes. The recommended strategies will be formulated with the goal of creating new jobs and increasing the tax base of the region. The final plan will be supported by an implementation strategy that identifies the tools needed and community partners best positioned to effectively execute on the recommendations.
The purpose of the strategic plan is to identify a diverse set of recommendations that will:
bolster entrepreneurship and innovation in the North Iowa region
strategically position the North Iowa region among target industry decision-makers
support future growth sectors through effective workforce development initiatives
enhance quality of place
An integral component of the strategic planning process is receiving broad input and feedback from the North Iowa community. We invite you to stay informed regarding project activities and progress. Please contact us if you have comments or questions.