We invite you to stay up-to-date on the progress of the Vision North Iowa initiative. Check back often for news and updates.
February 6, 2017 - Media Release - Project Kickoff Announcement
February 6, 2017 - KIMT - "Vision North Iowa"
February 8, 2017 - KGLO AM 1300 - "Vision North Iowa Launched to Create Strategy for Economic Growth"
February 9, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "Vision North Iowa project involves public from the beginning"
February 15, 2017 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter - ​"EDC partners with Chambers to create ‘vision’ for North Iowa"
February 19, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "EDC official says North Iowans responding well to help with planning"
February 23, 2017 - KCMR Radio - "Chad Schreck, Economic Development Survey"
March 10, 2017 - KIMT - "Tell it Like it Is" Survey
March 11, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "Patrons in Mason City get community survey with their lunch"
May 31, 2017 - Media Release - "Vision North Iowa Announces Economic Visioning & Community Values Workshops"
June 1, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "Vision North Iowa plans community workshops"
June 7, 2017 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter - "Vision North Iowa announces economic visioning workshops"​
June 14, 2017 - KIMT - "North Iowa wants economic input on 5-year plan: 'How do we attract people?'"
June 15, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "Strategist says North Iowans must overcome 'culture of no'"
June 17, 2017 - Globe Gazette - "Skipper: Learning how to walk together into the future"
January 12, 2018 - Vision North Iowa Economic Assessment and SWOT Analysis